Living with harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and differing opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close to you and with society at large. Start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbors. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous, compassionate way and giving back to people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, as this will help you feel in sync with others.
Living in harmony with nature is also hard if we live in the cities. Everything depends on us. As the old saying goes: “where there’s a will, there’s a way”. This part requires a deep analysis because it is very wide. I will discuss this aspect in more detail in my next articles.
Relaxation and Rest. Rest is defined as an instance of resting, where work or movement is ceased in order to sleep, or recover strength. We rest when we are tired and when we go to sleep at night. Sleep and rest refresh your mind and repairs your body. Most adults require between 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Without sufficient sleep, our bodies suffer a variety of physical and psychological impacts, including: Impaired memory, Poor concentration and impaired judgement, Lowered stress threshold, Reduced sociability and optimism, Changes in vital signs and tissue repair, Weight gain.
Relaxation is the act of relaxing, and can be defined as the release of tension and the refreshment of the mind or body. Relaxation differs from rest, in that relaxation is our mind’s way of rejuvenating, and can assist in reducing the arousal we experience from stress and/or anxiety. This means that while rest occurs while we are asleep, relaxation occurs while we are awake, and involves us engaging in activities that we enjoy. Relaxing has been shown to improve our mood and cognitive functioning, like decision making and memory, and lowers the risk for depression, anxiety, and other heart-related issues. Additionally, when we relax, we boost our immunity and this can sometimes curb our desire of sugary fatty treats! Relaxation also improves our ability to cope with adversity, and helps to improve our quality of sleep!
Rest and relaxation work hand in hand; one is not mutually exclusive from the other. Therefore, it is important that we invest time in both rest and relaxation, in order to optimise our mental and physical health. Make sleep and down-time a priority, particularly when you have had a stressful day both mentally and physically. Do not be afraid to listen to your body and take time out for yourself. Remember: In order to give your best, you have to be at your best. If you do not look after yourself, who is going to do that for you?